Tuesday, April 11, 2017

What causes dark armpits and how to avoid it

Having dark underarms is a major problem for many people, especially those who like sleeveless clothing and swimwear. Treating this or any problem requires a prior knowledge of the factors that cause it, so we will start with an explanation of the causes of dark and stained armpits.

The television commercials promote deodorant products that within their qualities is to lighten the dark armpits, but it turns out that this is a more complicated task that requires much more than the frequent use of this class of articles. The main reason is that although they can help in something with the disadvantage, precisely these products are the main cause of darken the underarms

6 Major Causes of Dark and Spotted Armpits

Causes of dark and stained armpitsThere are several elements that cause this particular coloration of the armpits, so it is not surprising that hundreds of women are affected and want to know both the causes and possible solutions to this unpleasant problem. The causes are:

Dead Cells : When talking about causes of dark and stained armpits, you have to start with the accumulation of dead cells in the axillary area. This can be controlled by careful exfoliation of the area, using lactic acid and a sponge.

Inherited causes : In some people the hereditary factor is caused as a cause of the darkening of the axillary zone, this circumstance can be originated by the hormonal activity that causes pigmentation of the skin, by the overweight or by the implementation of pills of contraception. In any of these cases, the suggestion is to visit the particular physician because the problem of discoloration may be more complicated than normal.

Shaving : This is one of the causes of the most common dark and stained armpits, it has to do with the use of blades that are used to cut the hair that is on the surface of our skin. The hair that is cut, then begins to grow again and it is at that moment that originates an appearance of darkened skin that is not very pleasant. This also happens with the use of depilatory creams such as Veet or Anne French, which achieve the eradication of superficial hair, but the skin is markedly dark aesthetic. Not to mention that when the area is shaved, it can lead to red hair that makes the situation worse. The ideal is a hair removal that achieves the eradication of hair from the same root, this is achieved when the skin is waxed with wax.

Friction : Tight clothing represents another way to get dark and spotty armpits. The friction that occurs between the material of the clothing and the armpits is what allows this effect, the fabric is put in contact with the body fat that accumulates and that rub results in darkening. The suggestion is to use, as far as possible, clothes that are less tight and made preferably with materials that give way to the air with ease. The more ventilation you get with clothing, the better. If you do a diet to lose weight, you will be collaborating with this task.

Deodorants and antiperspirants in excess: These products are made with chemical components that, according to recent studies, are causes of dark and stained armpits. Its use causes a pigmentation that even reaches a permanent darkening in the skin. If used to combat bad odor of the armpits, it is convenient to use homemade methods, but if there is no choice but to use them, deodorants for sensitive skin are suggested.

Diabetes : This information is not known by many people, but diabetes disease causes pigmentation of the skin, which causes armpits with darkening. To avoid this inconvenience you must try some natural remedies, and more importantly, maintain optimum insulin levels.
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